We rely on volunteers to help run the chapter and organize events that create value for our members and the community of writers we serve.

Your help is essential to providing services such as current job postings, our monthly e-newsletter, and webinars and in-person seminars and workshops with experts in our field.

Whether you’re a current STC member or not, we might have a role for you.

The following term positions begin June 1 of the current year and end May 31 of the following year, although a vacant position can be filled at any time. If you can’t commit to a full year, we also need help with short-term projects.

Chapter Vice-president: observe and learn the President’s job, and help the President and the chapter as needed. The VP succeeds to the presidency after a year, then serves as Past President for a year.

Student outreach: build ties with instructors and students in postsecondary writing programs, encouraging them to volunteer, attend chapter events, network with experienced writers, join the STC at the bargain student rate, and apply for the chapter’s student membership awards.

Communications Coordinator: coordinate the writing and distribution of our monthly e-newsletter, social media posts, public relations materials, and website articles.

Event planning: work with other volunteers to plan and organize events — recruit speakers, research suitable venues, wrangle technology at workshops and webinars, and make sure events run smoothly. Plan social events such as the winter party or annual volunteer lunch.

See our Volunteer page https://stcwestcoast.ca/get-involved-volunteer for more opportunities!

Each term position is collaborative; other volunteers will be on hand to help you succeed.

If you’re interested, attend one of our monthly chapter meetings or email the Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@stcwestcoast.ca.