Every year, the chapter focuses on a theme to help shape the event offerings for the season. When we meet each other at tech comm cafés or collaboration meetings, we are sometimes asked what we’re about and what we have to offer those in the technical writing profession, members and non-members.

The following statements are intended to answer those questions.

STC CWC Mission Statement:

To provide members, non-members, volunteers, students, and prospective technical writers a community in which to network, collaborate, and learn the craft of technical writing from each other in a mutually supportive environment.

Through an offering of seminars, workshops, social events, monthly Tech Comm cafés, ample volunteer opportunities to suit varying skillsets, and a warm welcome to all who wish to participate in monthly chapter collaboration meetings, the STC CWC provides the space for writers to connect through the encouraging spirit of community.

STC CWC Vision Statement:

To provide opportunities to create a well-rounded writer, we intend to offer a variety of programs that touch on technical expertise, soft skills such as crafting effective oral presentations, and trending market opportunities.

The technical writing market is hot on the west coast. While a talented writer can have choice in the market, a well-rounded writer who actively participates with the STC CWC will have more choice AND chances for success.

Success starts here, with the STC CWC.