Welcome to the Canada West Coast Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication

The STC is the world’s leading organization for advancing technical communication and improving the skills of its members.

The Canada West Coast Chapter draws members from western Canada and beyond. Chapter membership is open to any STC member from around the world.


Today we learned that the STC organization is shutting down and filing for bankruptcy immediately. This came as a shock to the chapter and while we had difficulties contacting the STC recently, we had no idea this was happening.

For more information from the STC, here is the announcement.

As of now all meetings and activities are cancelled.

It has been a real pleasure both being a part of the STC for many years and working with the chapter, thank you to all of our current and former members for their support! We will be in touch with more information as we get it.

Joel Basart

President, STC Canada West Coast Chapter




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Canada West Coast Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication

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