For our first event of 2022, we looked at portfolios – what they are, why you need one, and how to get started or update yours. Register for the recording for a webinar focused toward anyone looking to update their current portfolio.

In the rapidly changing and modern industry of writing, a portfolio is one of the most important pieces that all writers (new or experienced) should possess. Portfolios are an important tool used to provide proof of skills to a potential employer and highlight specialized interests and abilities.

In this webinar, we learned:

  • the importance of using a portfolio
  • organization techniques
  • selection strategies
  • presentation methods
  • techniques to help you begin to build a portfolio


    About the Speaker

    Lyndsay Steffler earned her Degree in Applied Communications (Technical Writing) and began her career as a Technical Editor.

    Since then, she has added Project Management, Enterprise Content Management, and Adult Education certifications to her portfolio and began working as a full-time technical writer in Aviation in 2004. In all the years Lyndsay has been in the airline industry, she has supported technical publications, safety, emergency response, procurement, learning and development, operations, and maintenance.

    Lyndsay began teaching for the technical writing program at Mount Royal University in 2006 and throughout her career as an instructor, she has participated in projects to contribute to the continuous improvement of the program. This year, she was the lead instructor for the update and redesign of the Technical Writing Extension Certificate.

    Although Lyndsay is passionate about her work, when she’s not in the office or the classroom, you are likely to find her enjoying time with her husband and their three children, hiking with her dog, or training for her next adventure.


    Date: Completed!

    RSVP for recording link: For members and students, register here. Non-members, register here.