Something About ePublishing—Part 1

Something About ePublishing—Part 1

This is the first in what I hope is a series of articles about Electronic Publishing (EPUB). What is the difference between an ebook and a regular book?  In her book, “EPUB Straight to the Point: Creating ebooks for the Apple iPad and other ereaders,”...
Classroom to Online: A Common Training Challenge

Classroom to Online: A Common Training Challenge

Business faces many training challenges. What style of training? What are the important topics? How much will it cost? Each question leads down another overwhelming rabbit hole. One of my clients is training engineers and scientists about technical writing principles....
Industries That Hire Technical Writers

Industries That Hire Technical Writers

So you want to be a technical writer – you’ve earned a degree or certification, but now you need a job. Where to start? In a recent discussion on the STC LinkedIn group page, members shared their knowledge and gave advice to a new graduate. I’ve summarized the...
What Does an Editor Do?

What Does an Editor Do?

I’m an editor. — Really? For which newspaper? I’m an editor. — You mean, like, you work in the movie business? I’m an editor. — Gee, I’d better watch what I say or you’ll correct my grammar. I evaluate written material, help people organize their thoughts, and reduce...
Chapter Council Meeting (Sep. 14)

Chapter Council Meeting (Sep. 14)

About This Meeting Chapter council meetings are held on the second Saturday of the month. The agenda includes committee and executive business, as well as volunteer and leadership training. Who Should Attend? All chapter members and volunteers, including non-member...
New Beginnings

New Beginnings

President’s Message for August 2013 “New Beginnings” is an appropriate title for my first president’s message posted on our new website—two beginnings among many for the chapter. Since June 1, we’ve welcomed a new executive, reorganized our volunteer...