President’s Message for September 2013 to February 2014

If you frequent this website, then you know the president’s message has been lazy and not updated itself for quite some time. So, I’m stepping in to help catch things up. Not coincidentally, that is the theme of this post.

“It’s better to keep up than to catch up,” people say and they are right. Keeping your work current is much easier than doing your current work along with your not so current work. The problem is, these days, it’s not easy to keep up. Maybe it never was.

After stressing and struggling and fussing and juggling, I sometimes remember that people also say, “Do what you can and can the rest.” And, they are right too. Tossing out the backlog and beginning again is akin to the moment the pain in your stubbed toe wanes and you realize nothing’s broken.

Chapter News

I am happy to report that nothing in the chapter is broken. We have a small but growing group of volutneers. These faithful few are working hard to make the chapter a compelling place to join, serve, and support.

We could use your help in this endeavor. The chapter has many opportunities to share and build your skills (and your resume). Assignments range from a couple of hours to board positions. Jump in.

Speaking of board positions, we’ve had a change in assignments. Our secretary, Jacob De Camillis, resigned, but remains an active volunteer. The board voted to move Moise Potie, already a director, into the secretary role.

Events and Activities

Our monthly professional development series is going strong. Next up is localization and translation. And, check back soon for updates on the Policies, Procedures training from Information Mapping Canada. We’ve negotiated special pricing for our members, volunteers, and students in the community.

All for now. Take care. And, to catch up, begin again.
