The STC CWC proudly announces a new volunteer position specially created to support our technical communicators living on Vancouver Island and nearby islands.

What’s in it for you? The satisfaction in knowing that you helped bring together technical communicators and information experience experts in your community for the purpose of creating a mutually beneficial and supportive local environment. It’ll look great on your resume, and you’ll be eligible for opportunities to further your professional development through our new leadership incentive program.

The Vancouver Island Coordinator must perform the following tasks to satisfy the requirements of this role:

  • Be a member in good standing of the STC Canada West Coast chapter.
  • Participate in monthly collaboration meetings of the STC CWC chapter, either online or in person, and maintain close contact with the board and other volunteers.
  • In cooperation with the board and other chapter volunteers, promote communication and networking with technical communicators and potential employers in the Vancouver Island area.
  • Promote local Tech Comm Café networking meetings to CWC members and others, via the website and in e-mail invitations using the chapter’s MailChimp service.
  • Host, or delegate hosting duties for Vancouver Island Tech Comm Café networking meetings, and write a summary of the meeting to be shared on the website and at collaboration meetings.
  • Encourage technical writers in the area to participate with the chapter and attend local events.
  • Engage with community members to present or showcase their technical communication skills and related expertise in seminars and workshops.
  • Participate in local program planning.

Please email if you are interested in applying for this exciting new volunteer role.