Serena Beck is our new chapter VP

STC Canada West Coast Chapter welcomes Serena Beck as the new Vice President. Prior to her new role, she was the chapter’s Membership Coordinator for two years. “I decided I was up for a challenge and volunteered for VP,” she says. “It’s great that we have a team of...
Writing a news release

Writing a news release

The tech writing world rarely intersects with the news world, but news writing is still a handy skill to have. You might find yourself in a communications role – having to write a news release or announcement for a website, for example. Traditionally, the purpose of a...

A Flare CSS primer: CSS in action

(This is the second of two articles about Madcap Flare’s use of Cascading Style Sheets) In a previous article, A Flare CSS Primer, we looked at how Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) work to selectively apply formatting. In this article, we’ll take this theoretical...