by Autumn Jonssen | Apr 13, 2015 | Announcements, Recent Events
Event Description: AGM Ensure your membership is up-to-date and join us from 9:30–10:00 for our Annual General Meeting. During this meeting our Treasurer will provide a financial report and we will hold the election for the Vice-president, Treasurer and Secretary...
by Bridget Greenwood | Apr 12, 2015 | Career, Techniques
If you’re starting your career as a technical writer, you should have an online portfolio to showcase your work. Your online portfolio should have a URL you can add to your LinkedIn profile, and be included on your resume, or pasted into the appropriate space on...
by Michelle Vinci | Apr 1, 2015 | Spotlights
In April’s spotlight, we feature Heather Sommerville, a senior technical editor, STC Associate Fellow, and active member of the STC Canada West Coast Chapter. In this interview, Heather discusses how she came to the profession of technical communication. She...
by Mala Rupnarain | Mar 28, 2015 | Career
I’ve been involved with technical communications for over 15 years in various capacities: technical writing, user education, training, documentation management, product management, and mentoring. For many years, I’ve interviewed hundreds of junior to senior technical...
by Mala Rupnarain | Mar 28, 2015 | Career
I’ve been involved with technical communications for over 15 years in various capacities: technical writing, user education, training, documentation management, product management, and mentoring. For many years, I’ve interviewed hundreds of junior to senior technical...
by Michelle Vinci | Mar 27, 2015 | Career
In the past four months, I have had some key learning experiences in my first job as a technical writer. In this article, I share six things I’ve learned, and offer insights into the beginning of my journey as a technical writer. 1. Writing is the tip of the iceberg....
by Autumn Jonssen | Mar 25, 2015 | Announcements, Recent Events
Event Description Thanks to the introduction of technologies such as social media and mobile devices, the last several years have seen a revolution in both the way people learn and the way they want to learn. Across the board, all forms of technology based learning,...
by Autumn Jonssen | Mar 22, 2015 | Announcements, Recent Events
About This Meeting Chapter council meetings are typically held on the second Saturday of the month (subject to change based on everyone’s availability and holidays!). We will be discussing the current projects and events for the spring. If you are interested in...
by Heather Sommerville | Mar 18, 2015 | Announcements, Volunteer Opportunities
STC Canada West Coast chapter officers hold office from June 1 to May 31 each year. At the April 25, 2015, annual general meeting, we’ll be holding elections to fill these roles for the coming year. In particular, we’re actively seeking members in good standing to put...
by Heather Sommerville | Mar 15, 2015 | Tech Comm Café
The monthly Tech Comm Café met on March 11 in a café near Broadway and Cambie in Vancouver. Announcements: –Chapter workshops are scheduled for March 28 (How to Design Instructional Video) and April 25 (topics to be announced later). Check the STC Canada West...