
Preparing for the CPTC Foundation Level Exam

The Society for Technical Communication offers several levels of professional certification for technical communicators, beginning with the Foundation level. Are you thinking of writing the CPTC Foundation Level exam? You should! Does the thought of writing the exam...

Finding Work webinar series: Portfolios and résumés

The first webinar in our Finding Work series took place on Wednesday, May 3, at 6 p.m. Pacific time. Lyndsey Steffler and Chris Powell discussed how to create effective portfolios and résumés. Topics include: How to set objectives, catch the reader's attention, and...

Tools Webinar: Creating Instructional Videos

As the first in a series of Tools webinars, we are presenting Creating Instructional Videos with an emphasis on using TechSmith Camtasia and other video creation tools.  Why use instructional videos: Many companies use videos to inform customers about products and...

Chapter welcomes two student membership award winners in 2023

The Society for Technical Communication (STC) Canada West Coast chapter is pleased to announce the award of two STC student memberships in January 2023.  Both students are currently enrolled at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, in Burnaby. Congratulations...

Webinar report: Building a portfolio

On February 15, 2022, technical writer and Mount Royal University instructor Lyndsay Steffler outlined what a portfolio is, pieces to include, portfolio types, and format options. Composed of a collection of “artifacts” that demonstrate skills and experience, a...




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Canada West Coast Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication

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