by Michelle Vinci | Sep 11, 2015 | Career
During the past few months in my current position, I have begun to think differently about what it means to be a technical communicator. Initially, I worked solely with development teams and subject matter experts using an Agile methodology, documenting product...
by Andrew Macquistan | Sep 1, 2015 | Spotlights
In September’s Spotlight, we feature Bridget Greenwood, a recent technical writing graduate and volunteer webmaster for the STC Canada West Coast Chapter. In this interview, Bridget discusses her love of the written word, and her background in newspaper...
by Krista-June Soderlind | Aug 31, 2015 | Tech Comm Café
The monthly Tech Comm Café met on August 12 at BG Urban Café in Metrotown, Burnaby. Surprisingly on such a hot, humid night, we had an excellent turnout. One member brought her “traveling air conditioner” (a spray bottle attached to a battery-operated fan), which was...
by Mala Rupnarain | Aug 23, 2015 | Announcements, Recent Events
Joe Welinske of Writer’s UA has kindly offered us a free webinar on Tuesday, September 8th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm on concise writing tips. He’ll leave the last 20 minutes or so of the presentation for questions and answers. Please rsvp to...
by Mala Rupnarain | Aug 15, 2015 | Announcements, Recent Events
About This Collaboration Meeting This is an all-hands meeting to discuss upcoming events and seminars, welcome all volunteers, and review the work that needs to be done to keep our chapter moving forward in serving our community of writers. If you are interested in...
by Mala Rupnarain | Aug 3, 2015 | President's Message
Every year, the chapter focuses on a theme to help shape the event offerings for the season. When we meet each other at tech comm cafés or collaboration meetings, we are sometimes asked what we’re about and what we have to offer those in the technical writing...
by Mala Rupnarain | Aug 3, 2015 | Volunteer Opportunities
The STC Canada West Coast chapter relies on the participation of several volunteers to help provide our membership and community of writers with the various events that are scheduled throughout the year, Without your involvement, we would not be able to provide the...
by Mala Rupnarain | Aug 2, 2015 | Announcements, Recent Events
About This Collaboration Meeting This is an all-hands meeting to discuss upcoming events and seminars, welcome all volunteers, and review the work that needs to be done to keep our chapter moving forward in serving our community of writers. If you are interested in...
by Mala Rupnarain | Aug 2, 2015 | Announcements
Greetings, Joe Welinske of WritersUA is offering a free seminar of our choice from one of the topics listed below. Please RSVP to no later than Friday, August 14th with your selection and preferred time of weekday (i.e., morning, lunch hour,...
by Margaret Shaw | Jul 1, 2015 | Tech Comm Café
The monthly Tech Comm Café (TCC) met on July 8 at BG Urban Café in Metrotown, Burnaby. The group was small, with the pleasant result that the five of us there became much better acquainted. Announcement. On July 25 at the Vancouver Art Gallery, our chapter will host...