Ten Tips for Great Training

Ten Tips for Great Training

By Stephen Gauer You’re written the user guides and online help for the new application and now the client needs someone to train the staff. Why not take the plunge and add training to your skill set? Here are some tips from my 25 years of training: Tip #1: write a...
Vancouver Island Tech Comm Café Recap Nov 30, 2015

Tech Comm Café: Oct. 14 recap

We held the October 14 meeting of the Tech Comm Café at Allegro Café, Cambie Whole Foods, Vancouver. Announcements: — STC Canada West Coast chapter event: “How to Create and Deliver Effective Presentations,” October 24....
Book Review of the Global English Style Guide

Book Review of the Global English Style Guide

By Serena Beck, Membership Manager As an author of many internal style guides, I can appreciate the amount of effort and time required to create a style guide and ensure it’s followed. I have a good eye for detail and enjoy making the documentation I write consistent....

Madcap Flare: Tips and Tricks

MadCap Flare is an extremely powerful single sourcing and content management platform capable of publishing to a variety of formats. Today, I’ll cover tips on online help HTML5 outputs. This is aimed at the intermediate Flare user who wants to work with their online...