by Stephen Gauer | Dec 21, 2015 | Career, Techniques
By Stephen Gauer You’re written the user guides and online help for the new application and now the client needs someone to train the staff. Why not take the plunge and add training to your skill set? Here are some tips from my 25 years of training: Tip #1: write a...
by Serena Beck | Dec 15, 2015 | Tech Comm Café
The first Vancouver Island Tech Comm Café was held in a restaurant in downtown Victoria on November 30. The attendees enjoyed perogies with custom fillings such as chicken and kale while introducing themselves and their work histories. After introductions, we...
by Mala Rupnarain | Dec 9, 2015 | President's Message
We’ve reached the midterm of our current season, and with holidays fast approaching, I thought this would be a good time to review our progress to date. Strategic Planning: Every summer, various volunteers – members and non-members – come together to...
by Autumn Jonssen | Nov 5, 2015 | Tech Comm Café
We held the October 14 meeting of the Tech Comm Café at Allegro Café, Cambie Whole Foods, Vancouver. Announcements: — STC Canada West Coast chapter event: “How to Create and Deliver Effective Presentations,” October 24....
by Mala Rupnarain | Nov 1, 2015 | Announcements, Recent Events
Event Description ***Limited seats remaining; please register soon*** The hottest jobs in the lower mainland are asking us more and more for the following skill: API writing. The talent pool may be self-taught; post secondary institution offerings on this skill are...
by Serena Beck | Oct 30, 2015 | Techniques
By Serena Beck, Membership Manager As an author of many internal style guides, I can appreciate the amount of effort and time required to create a style guide and ensure it’s followed. I have a good eye for detail and enjoy making the documentation I write consistent....
by Catherine Girczyc | Oct 5, 2015 | Tools
MadCap Flare is an extremely powerful single sourcing and content management platform capable of publishing to a variety of formats. Today, I’ll cover tips on online help HTML5 outputs. This is aimed at the intermediate Flare user who wants to work with their online...
by Mala Rupnarain | Sep 30, 2015 | Announcements, Recent Events
About This Collaboration Meeting This is an all-hands meeting to discuss upcoming events and seminars, welcome all volunteers, and review the work that needs to be done to keep our chapter moving forward in serving our community of writers. If you are...
by Andrew Macquistan | Sep 28, 2015 | Tech Comm Café
The monthly Tech Comm Café met on September 9 at the Allegro Café, on the mezzanine level of the Whole Foods Market at 8th and Cambie in Vancouver. The turnout was smaller than usual, which made for more lively and in-depth discussions than in a larger group....
by Mala Rupnarain | Sep 24, 2015 | Announcements, Recent Events
Event Description Technical writing may same seem like an introverted profession, but there can be a high degree of person-to-person engagement. The sharper your ability to verbally communicate, the more likely you are to succeed in your profession. Your résumé and...